

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cutting Board Storage

Sometimes when you clean out your closets, you find stuff you really needed once upon a time, but then you didn't. This is not a problem; this is an opportunity!  Here's the burning question: What can I use this thing for now that I don't need it for that other thing?

Case in point: Lucite stacking file holder. 

I decided to relocate this closet dweller to the kitchen and use it to keep my recipe binders and cutting boards organized. I put it in a oddly angled niche between the kitchen sink and the cooktop.

Now I can keep these things handy without laying them on the counter top. It's great for letting the cutting board dry after use.

I like for things to be uncluttered but also handy, so this works for me. What do you have in YOUR closet?

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