

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Kefir Whey and Cheese

Once you get the hang of making kefir every day, you'll want to expand on the ways you can use it. Making kefir whey to use in culturing and adding probiotics to other foods is very easy to do. Here's how it works:

Take a quart jar of kefir that has finished culturing. Reserve any culture you need to make another jar of kefir. Then, place a strainer in a bowl and line it with a cup towel or a coffee filter. I user a cup towel because it's bigger.

Pour your jar of kefir into the lined strainer, and let it drip. I put a plate over my bowl and strainer to keep it clean and hydrated. I usually leave mine overnight to get all the whey out of the kefir.

The clear whey will drip into the bowl, and the solids (kefir cheese) will stay in the liner. Put the whey in a jar and refrigerate until you need it for a recipe.

You can use the kefir cheese to make sour cream or add to salads. See recipe for Sour Cream under Recipes.


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