

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Most Powerful Medicine #1 - Baking Soda

I guess it's dumb to wait until you're puny to start trying to maximize your health. But if you feel great, have tons of energy, and everything's working - you must be doing everything right, right?

Wrong. One thing I've realized about aging and sickness in general is that it's rarely a sudden-onset event. More often than not, it's so gradual, you don't know you have a problem until - you have a problem.

Something else I've realized - you can only take so many pills in a day. Seriously. Trying to treat symptoms by taking this pill for this, and that pill for that, and another pill for another thing is like blowing your nose into a Kleenex with a hole in it. You can spend a lot of money and a lot of time, but the end result is that you're just moving snot from one place to another! How do you say... it's not effective.

Imagine my surprise at finding simple, effective, inexpensive cures that actually work for me. Today I'm writing about discovery #1:

#1 The first discovery I made came about as a result of research I did because my teeth were hurting. I tried every OTC product, supplement and even prescription stuff from my dentist, but nothing worked. Hot hurt, cold hurt, air hurt - and my dentist told me I was getting a cavity. I started reading forums and found out that some people had used nothing but baking soda to brush their teeth all their lives, and they had never had a cavity, extraction or gum disease. I tried it. Within a month or so, all my tooth pain was gone; no more sensitivity. Went for my six-month cleaning after using baking soda for about 3 months, and the dentist and hygienist wanted to know what toothpaste I used because my mouth, teeth and gums looked so healthy. I told them baking soda. They said, "Keep doing it." The cavity that had started forming was gone. Another perk of baking soda brushing is that it gently buffs your teeth removing tea and coffee stains. The bottom line is: it kills bacteria, and bacteria is what causes EVERY problem known to dentists. It also causes your saliva to flow, and your saliva contains all the necessary elements to heal cavities before they require drilling, crowns, root canals, etc. Very cool.

I bought a huge box of baking soda at Walmart for $2.38 I think. I put some in a glass baby food jar and set it by my toothbrush. I just wet my brush, dip it in the jar to coat it with baking soda, and brush. It tastes salty at first if you're used to regular toothpaste. But after awhile, it just tastes fresh. And when you rinse, the water tastes sweet.

Now when I walk through the toothpaste aisle, I can't help but be amazed at how far we've been led astray by glamorous advertising and I wish I had bought stock in toothpaste long ago.

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